第三章 最初的企鹅(第9/10页)

[5] Charles Lyell.Principles of Geology,vol.1(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1990),153.

[6] Leonard G.Wilson,Charles Lyell,the Years to 1841:The Revolution in Geology(New Haven,Conn.:Yale University Press,1972),344.

[7] 史蒂文·平克(Steven Pinker,1954—),北美当代著名实验心理学家以及相关领域的科学作家,因致力于推广语言能力是一种“本能”的观点而闻名。——译者

[8] A.Hallam,Great Geological Controversies(Oxford:OxfordUniversity Press,1983),ix.

[9] For a discussion of the meaning of the cartoon,see Martin J.S.Rudwick,Lyell and Darwin,Geologists:Studies in the Earth Sciences in the Age of Reform(Aldershot,England:Ashgate,2005),537-540.

[10] Frank J.Sulloway,“Darwin and His Finches:The Evolution of a Legend,”Journal of the History of Biology 15(1982):1-53.

[11] Lyell,Principles of Geology,vol.1,476.

[12] Sandra Herbert,Charles Darwin,Geologist(Ithaca,N.Y.:Cornell University Press,2005),63.

[13] Claudio Soto-Azat et al.,“The Population Decline and Extinction of Darwin’s Frogs,”PLOS ONE 8(2013).

[14] David Dobbs,Reef Madness:Charles Darwin,Alexander Agassiz,and the Meaning of Coral(New York:Pantheon,2005),152.

[15] Rudwick,Worlds before Adam,491.

[16] Janet Browne,Charles Darwin:Voyaging(New York:Knopf,1995),186.

[17] Charles Lyell,Principles of Geology,vol.2(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1990),124.

[18] Ernst Mayr,The Growth of Biological Thought:Diversity,Evolution,and Inheritance(Cambridge,Mass.:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1982),407.

[19] Charles Darwin,On the Origin of Species:A Facsimile of the First Edition(Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1964),84.

[20] Charles Darwin,On the Origin of Species:A Facsimile of the First Edition(Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1964),320.

[21] Charles Darwin,On the Origin of Species:A Facsimile of the First Edition(Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1964),320.

[22] Charles Darwin,On the Origin of Species:A Facsimile of the First Edition(Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1964),318.

[23] 将动物的皮连同其上的毛发、羽毛、鳞片等衍生物一同剥下,再塞入填充物,恢复成生活姿态的动物标本,也称剥制标本或姿态标本。——译者

[24] Errol Fuller,The Great Auk(New York:Abrams,1999),197.

[25] 原文如此,疑为作者笔误。从本书83页附图可以看出白斑位于眼睛的前上方。——译者

[26] Truls Moum et al.,“Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Evolution and Phylogeny of the Atlantic Alcidae,Including the Extinct Great Auk(Pinguinus impennis),”Molecular Biology and Evolution 19(2002):1434-1439.

[27] Jeremy Gaskell,Who Killed the Great Auk?(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000),p.8.

[28] Jeremy Gaskell,Who Killed the Great Auk?(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000),p.9.

[29] Quoted in Fuller,The Great Auk,64.

[30] Quoted in Gaskell,Who Killed the Great Auk?,87.

[31] Fuller,The Great Auk,64.

[32] Fuller,The Great Auk,65-66.

[33] Tim Birkhead,“How Collectors Killed the Great Auk,”New Scientist 142(1994):26.

[34] 杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock,1912~1956),美国著名画家,抽象表现主义的主要力量,画作多是杂乱无章、辨不清主体或结构的色彩交织。——译者

[35] Quoted in Gaskell,Who Killed the GreatAuk?,109.

[36] Quoted in Gaskell,Who Killed the GreatAuk?,37.

[37] Fuller,The Great Auk,228-229.

[38] Alfred Newton,“Abstract of Mr.J.Wolley’s Researches inIceland Respecting the Gare-Fowl or Great Auk,”Ibis 3(1861):394.

[39] Alexander F.R.Wollaston,Life of Alfred Newton(New York:E.P.Dutton,1921),52.

[40] Alexander F.R.Wollaston,Life of Alfred Newton(New York:E.P.Dutton,1921),112.

[41] Alexander F.R.Wollaston,Life of Alfred Newton(New York:E.P.Dutton,1921),121.

[42] 达尔文的大多数信件在网上开放供查阅,但并非全部信件。感谢“达尔文通信研究项目”的伊丽莎白·史密斯(Elisabeth Smith)帮我在整个数据库中进行了相关的查找。

[43] Thalia K.Grant and Gregory B.Estes,Darwin in Galápagos:Footsteps to a New World(Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,2009),123.

[44] Thalia K.Grant and Gregory B.Estes,Darwin in Galápagos:Footsteps to a New World(Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,2009),122.