
The Russian Army in the World War(New Haven:Yale University Press,1931),221.

[10] Kessler,Journey to the Abyss,687.

[11] Golovine,Russian Army,145.

[12] Haus-,Hof-und Staatsarchiv,Vienna(HHSA),Politisches Archiv(PA)I,837,Munich,Oct. 22 and 28,1915,Vélics to Burián.

[13] HHSA,PA I,837,Munich,Nov. 30,Dec. 22,1915,Vélics to Burián.

[14] Liddell Hart,Real War,368-369.

[15] William de Hevesy,“Postscript to the Sixtus Affair,” Foreign Affairs 21,no. 3(April 1943).

[16] Taylor,Habsburg Monarchy,254-255;Géza Andreas von Geyr,Sándor Wekerle(Munich:Oldenbourg,1993),353,378-379,396-397.

[17] David Stevenson,Cataclysm(New York:Basic Books,2004),304;Alan Sked,The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire 1815-1918(London:Longman,1989),259;Holger H. Herwig,The First World War:Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914-1918(London:Edw. Arnold,1997),369-370.

[18] A.Scott Berg,Wilson(New York:Putnam,2013),538;Sked,Decline and Fall,260;Taylor,Habsburg Monarchy,268-271.

[19] KA,NFA 1878,AOK,Oct. 15,1915,“Ursachen und Vermeidung grosser Verluste.”“Jünglinen und alternden Männern.”

[20] Golovine,Russian Army,48-49.

[21] Service Historique de l’Armée de Terre,Vincennes(SHAT),EMA 7N 846,Jan. 30,1916,“La Situation Militaire:L’état actuel de l’Autriche-Hongrie.” Mission Russe,Paris,March 24,1917,Col. Ignatieff.

[22] KA,B/75(Bolfras),Frühjahr 1916,Anon,letter to Kaiser Franz Joseph I.

[23] KA,NFA 1878,AOK,Oct. 15,1915,“Ursachen und Vermeidung grosser Verluste.”

[24] HHSA,Allgemeines Verwaltungsarchiv(AVA),MdI Präs.,Karton 1733,Prot. Nr. 1511,Jan. 20,1915,Kriegsüberwachungsamt to Interior Minister.

[25] HHSA,AVA,MdI Präs.,Karton 1733,Prot. Nr. 8797,Apr. 27,1915,Statthalter Graz to Interior Minister.

[26] KA,Gefechtsberichte(GB)86,March 17,1915,GM Balberitz.

[27] Arthur Ruhl,Antwerp to Gallipoli:A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them(New York:Scribner’s,1916),244.

[28] KA,GB 86,4 Armee Etappenkommando,“Allgemeine Direktiven für die Errichtung von Militärfriedhofen im Felde,Juni 1915”;Stanley Washburn,On the Russian Front in World War Ⅰ:Memoirs of an American War Correspondent(New York:Robert Speller,1982),59.

[29] KA,NFA 1877,AOK,Feb. 4,1916,GO Conrad.

[30] KA,B/96:3a,AOK to Militärkanzlei Seiner Majestät,July 26,1916;Bolfras to Brudermann,Aug. 21,1916.

[31] Geoffrey Wawro,“Morale in the Austro-Hungarian Army,”in Facing Armageddon,ed. Hugh Cecil and Peter Liddle(London:Leo Cooper,1996),399-410;SHAT,EM A 7N 845,Paris,Oct. 13,1917,“Renseignements sur les‘troupes d’assaut’de l’Armée Austro-Hongroise d’après enquête faite au camp de prisonniers de Bagnaria-Arsa.”

[32] Rudolf Jerabek,“Die Brussilowoffensive 1916:Ein Wendepunkt der Koalitionskriegführung der Mittelmächte,” dissertation,Vienna,1982,2:308-9.

[33] Timothy C. Dowling,The Brusilov Offensive(Bloomington:Indiana University Press,2008),xv.

[34] KA,NFA 1795,4. Armeekdo,June 26,1916,GenObst Tersztyánszky to 10 KpsKdo.

[35] SHAT,AAT,EMA 7N 846,2ème Bureau,May 14,1917,“Armée Autrichienne.”

[36] Golovine,Russian Army,74.

[37] Dowling,Brusilov Offensive,xix-xx.

[38] KA,GB 1,k.u.k. 10 Armee Korps-Kdo,Oct. 8,1917,“Gefecht bei Carzano-Verrat am 18. Sept. 1917”;Liddell Hart,Real War,128.

[39] SHAT,AAT,EMA 7N 846,2ème Bureau,Oct. 13,1918,“Recrutement.”

[40] Dresden,Sächsiches Kriegsarchiv,Zeitgeschichtliche Sammlung 127,“Zwei politische Aufsätze,1917.”

[41] John Reed,Eastern Europe at War(London:Pluto,1994[1916]),92.

[42] Golovine,Russian Army,122.

[43] Golovine,Russian Army,67,77,93.

[44] I was told this anecdote by Prof. Lothar Höbelt of the University of Vienna.

[45] Norman Stone,“Army and Society in the Habsburg Monarchy,1900-1914,” Past and Present 33,no. 1(1966):111.

[46] Gunther E. Rothenberg,The Army of Francis Joseph(West Lafayette,IN:Purdue University Press,1976),128.

[47] Norman Stone,World War One:A Short History,(New York:Basic Books,2009),22.